April 25, 2024

Red: The eternal popularity

Lead: Red has a kind of magnetic, an irresistible attraction. It is also the Chinese people's favorite color. It never exited the popular ranks.

Red has a kind of magnetism, an irresistible attraction, and it is the Chinese people's favorite color. It has never withdrawn from the popular ranks. It is used in any season, especially this year's autumn and winter, and red will be a big trend. Look at the blockbusters below and the ones I've posted before. You know, of course, you don't want to be as exaggerated as a large model; the dress principle is to wear only a red dress, if you are used to wearing plain clothes , do not wear a large area of ​​red, as long as the embellishment, such as a red bag; a pair of red shoes; or a pair of red gloves, and even the red lips; especially in the cold winter, it will give People bring warmth and joy.





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