May 20, 2024

Use antiperspirant products in hot summer

In the process of discharge, sweat takes away the heat brought by the high temperature of the environment, and takes away the excess heat generated by the body's own movement. At the same time, it contains a lot of metabolic waste, and as it is lost, the waste is also excreted. The sweat contains a substance called "lactic acid" which combines with the fatty acids secreted by the sebaceous glands to form a natural fungicide to prevent bacterial attack and protect the skin. Frequent use of antiperspirant will inhibit the normal perspiration of the human body, so that the body's heat can not be discharged, resulting in increased body temperature, dizziness, chest tightness and other discomfort, harmful to the human body and no benefit.

At present, the common antiperspirant products on the market mainly pass through the sweat gland duct which produces sweat, so that the secretory cells thereof are atrophied, thereby achieving the purpose of reducing sweat secretion. Some antiperspirants are irritating to the skin, especially when added with artificial flavors and other ingredients, which may cause skin irritation. More caution is needed for those with allergies. Before use, you should first try it on the inside of the upper arm. If you have no symptoms such as erythema and itching, you can use it with confidence. Avoid antiperspirants when there is damage to the skin. This is because the chemical components in the antiperspirant can enter the blood circulation through the wound, which not only stimulates the skin wound, but also causes other adverse reactions. Antiperspirant is suitable for sweaty or heavy body parts, such as underarms, neck, soles, armpits, etc., generally not applied to the face, not to be applied in large areas of the body, otherwise the sweat can not be discharged, which will cause the body to heat up. A temperature disorder has occurred. In severe cases, it can cause heat shock. If you exercise a lot and sweat, you need to clean the skin first, or wipe off the sweat with a paper towel, then use antiperspirant. In the summer, you should use antiperspirant products with caution. It is best to let the sweat come out naturally and take away excess heat from the body to lower your body temperature.

(Editor: Xu Xiaoyu)

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