April 29, 2024

Cold winter, choose the bed "Wenxin" good quilt

When winter comes, all kinds of quilts become the main products promoted by bedding shops. What are soy fiber quilts, milk corn fiber quilts, silk quilts, duvets, cashmere quilts, and four-hole quilts, seven-hole quilts, and nine-hole quilts. For most consumers, it is arrogant and glamorous. What is the difference between these quilts? Which quilt is the good quilt for you?

With these questions, the reporter visited some bedding stores, but unfortunately, few sales people can say ugly, in their eyes, that is, of course, expensive is better than cheap.

In a specialty store, the salesperson introduced a new concept of premium wool quilt to the reporter, saying that it was made of 100% cotton fabric, soft and comfortable, and the filling is 100% wool, which is breathable. However, the asking price is very high, 1290 yuan. When the reporter questioned whether it was real wool, the merchants patted the chest and told reporters that their quilt was a big brand and it was absolutely real. As the recognized softest and healthier natural fiber, mulberry silk is made from mulberry silk as a filling material. Of course, it is also the object of the business. At the same time, milk quilts and soybean fiber quilts are also being marketed. It is said that milk is made from milk as a raw material, and it can be used as a skin care effect, while the quilt of soybean fiber has an automatic heating effect. The expensive prices in these quilt families are naturally strong.

These quilts are named after the filler, what fiber is added, what is it called, then what is the name of the four holes and seven holes? Because the sales staff did not get a clear answer, the reporter had to turn to online experts. It is understood that seven holes are chemical fiber products. Its principle is to evenly punch seven holes on a chemical fiber to make it rich in air to achieve thermal insulation. The chemical fiber after punching is also very soft, the shape is easy to recover, it takes a long time to cover, and it will not be pressed and compacted like a quilt. As long as it is often beaten, the original shape can be restored. The quilt can be It has been kept fluffy, so the heat preservation is as always. By analogy, four holes are four holes evenly on one fiber.

However, the reporter found that the price of the quilt with the same brand and the same filling and the same weight is very different. In a bedding store in Renmin Avenue, an ordinary quilt actually cost 1280 yuan. The filler inside is just polyester. When changing a brand, the price of the merchant is less than 500 yuan, and the lowest is 100 yuan. Therefore, it is still very important to choose a quilt to shop around. Otherwise, it is easy to be fooled by the business. For example, the bed is priced at 1280 yuan quilt, even if the business gives you a "comminuted fracture" 30% off, maybe you are still a big head. Compared with the specialty stores, the reporter saw in the major supermarkets that the quilts here are relatively cheap, and the average quilt price is about 70 to 150 yuan.

In the interview, the reporter also found that in addition to considering the "inner" material and price of the quilt, many consumers did not pay much attention to what the fabric was when they purchased the quilt. "These quilts are bought and hooded, so what kind of material is quilted, is it pure cotton, it doesn't seem to matter much," said Ms. Xue. And her words also represent the psychology of most consumers. I don't know, the fabric of the face is also an important factor affecting the price of the quilt.

At present, the quilt on the market is mainly divided into pure cotton and polyester cotton, and other fabrics such as silk, acrylic, silk and satin. Pure cotton refers to 100% cotton products, and polyester cotton refers to blends of polyester and cotton: if “polyester” is written in the front, it means that the content of polyester in the product is greater than cotton; if it is written with “cotton polyester”, it means cotton. The content is greater than polyester; if the TC mark is seen, it means that the product contains 50% polyester and 50% cotton. Among these "faces", acrylic is the cheapest, so it is not too small to buy a quilt that is cost-effective and satisfactory.