April 28, 2024

How to wear the best shirt how to wear ladies wear

Shirts are men's exclusive dress, whether it is flower shirt, white shirt, men can wear handsome fashion, and women are now also popular shirt dress, white shirt or bright shirt can be very good color, but also Very sexy? Professional wear can be sexy, with the shirt can also be very stylish.


Mutuo Li ladies shirt with style, not the same as usual with this shirt, this shirt is orange bat a little loose version of the type of effect is very comfortable, bat sleeve design fresh and cool, deep V-neck design within a ride A piece of white primer, it is not easy to go light, lower body with a khaki shorts, simple and significant figure.

衬衫怎么穿最好看 女士职业装怎么搭配

Now mature women are generally professional white-collar workers, wear their own career dress is ultimately indispensable, Mu Tuoli women's professional dress, purple main color matching Baroque style embellishment is very flavor, coupled with professional handbags, a pair of high heels goodbye occupation monotonous.

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